Posy Bouquet


Our smallest romantic, hand-tied bouquet in the desired color palette. The handle will be wrapped with ribbon, leaving the stems partially exposed. Perfect for flower girls., to use as a tossing bouquet, or for proms and formal events.

All blooms are subject to seasonal availability. The piece in the photo is not indicative of your piece.

Color Palette:
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Our smallest romantic, hand-tied bouquet in the desired color palette. The handle will be wrapped with ribbon, leaving the stems partially exposed. Perfect for flower girls., to use as a tossing bouquet, or for proms and formal events.

All blooms are subject to seasonal availability. The piece in the photo is not indicative of your piece.

Our smallest romantic, hand-tied bouquet in the desired color palette. The handle will be wrapped with ribbon, leaving the stems partially exposed. Perfect for flower girls., to use as a tossing bouquet, or for proms and formal events.

All blooms are subject to seasonal availability. The piece in the photo is not indicative of your piece.