Mecha Chocolate
This six-piece ganache collection (2.5 oz) contains one each of the following flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry Balsamic, Cherry Heart, Red Hot Heart, Rosewater, and Passionfruit Curd. Handcrafted by a local chocolatier, each piece is made with care and high-quality ingredients to deliver a truly indulgent experience
This six-piece ganache collection (2.5 oz) contains one each of the following flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry Balsamic, Cherry Heart, Red Hot Heart, Rosewater, and Passionfruit Curd. Handcrafted by a local chocolatier, each piece is made with care and high-quality ingredients to deliver a truly indulgent experience
This six-piece ganache collection (2.5 oz) contains one each of the following flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry Balsamic, Cherry Heart, Red Hot Heart, Rosewater, and Passionfruit Curd. Handcrafted by a local chocolatier, each piece is made with care and high-quality ingredients to deliver a truly indulgent experience